If you want to scale your Amazon PPC you need to learn to use Bulk operations.
Tasks that would take you hours to do in campaign manager can be done in minutes using bulk operations.
I created this short video so you can take your first steps to get started using bulk operations.
The last step not shown in the video is uploading your campaign file to Bulk Operations. See the steps below:
1. In bulk operations under "3. Upload your file to update your campaign" select "Choose File".
2. Locate the file you want to upload.
3. Once you've selected the file you want to upload just click "Upload to Process Changes"
Wait 1-3 minutes and refresh the page and you should see that your file has completed processing.
Note: You will likely receive 2 warnings like the ones shown below when you upload the file:

The warnings appear because we did not define the Placement Type and Targeting Type columns. These two warnings will have no impact on your campaign being created. You can see the warnings by clicking "Download Report".
Go to campaign manager and find your newly created campaign. Check that everything shows as "Delivering".
If you received Errors then download the report and review the errors described. Most errors will likely be due to invalid characters being added in fields. For example having a % in the keyword field will drive an error and that keyword will not be added to the campaign.
If you have any issues feel free to reach out and we will help you troubleshoot your problem.